5 tips to improve Self-worth

4 min readApr 23, 2022

Do you feel annoyed if someone ignores you?

Do you feel bad if others don’t recognize your work?

Do you want others to appreciate you for your work?

The questions are endless. The point is the disappointment that follows after the expectation. Sometimes it might work in our favour too. We might feel extremely happy after people recognized us.

What it means is, that we expect others to recognize the effort we put in and acknowledge with all generosity that we are great. Suppose imagine you are meeting with people who are jealous of you, they are not going to acknowledge your work no matter how good you are.

Is it good to expect others to recognize us?

We hand over our self-worth to another person when we expect another person to acknowledge our work.

Image by Andre Hunter from Unsplash

It’s simply annoying right. Then, Why do we do that?

As human beings, we first try to blend into the group either at work or in college or with friends or in sports clubs even though their thoughts don’t resonate with us. Once we blended in, we try to stand out. We long to prove that we are unique. Indeed we are. Everyone is. But we want the group to acknowledge that we are different. We want to hear from the group that we are great. It’s so blended into human nature to expect this which is one of the main sources of misery that we face in our life.

So how do we deal with this?

  1. Awareness is the first step

Knowing that we keep placing our self-worth on others is the key. For any problem, if you need a solution then awareness is the first thing to incline to. Know when you are doing this,

  1. Is it with your spouse? Do you want your spouse to acknowledge your work?
  2. Do you do it at work with your colleagues?
  3. Do you do it with your friends?

Know when you do this.

2. Practise Self-worth everyday

“ Self-worth is all about having good memory about your wins”.

We often forget our wins and tend to moan moreover losses. Keep remembering your best moments where you made the impossible possible.

If Lion is the best in the jungle, why the creation doesn’t stop just with Lion? There’s a reason for every being on this earth. Everyone has their purpose to stay in the present and embrace their life. Acknowledge every day that you live, look and do specific things for your purpose.

3. Be Authentic

Don’ do things just because others are doing them. What I mean by it is, watching some tv series because everyone else is doing it even though you are not comfortable with it. Trying to look a specific way even though it’s not your true self. How do you know what is your true self?

Listen to your feelings when you do certain things. When your heart feels light, and it's so normal for you then you are yourself. You don’t feel suffocated when you be yourself. You can notice your feeling, when you are in a group or when you are doing something, or when you avoid your most important work. Being authentic and knowing what you like or what you don’t like is another important thing.

4. Accept the as-is situation

What do I mean by an as-is situation? For example, you aim to be 50 kg but you are 80kg at the moment. Accept that you are a bit overweight now and you wanna get there. Yes, you might feel low when you see slim people, but it doesn’t mean that you have to put yourself down. Accept for who you are and be determined to get there.

Acceptance in many places would get you what you want without your ego getting in and doing some drama.

5. Put yourself as a priority

You are your number one priority. It means to let go of everything which makes you feel low or stressed or think that you are not enough. Friends, colleagues, your thoughts, dress or anything which makes you feel low, just let go of it.

Image by Annie Spratt from Unsplash

If you tune your attitude to be compassionate to yourself, then no situation can break you or make you feel down.

