Aim for Clarity

2 min readSep 22, 2021

One of the very luxurious virtues in this world of distraction is clarity. Often, one of the biggest problems of this age is having a lot of choices. Although choices might look lucrative, it just leads to confusion.

Image by Gautier Salles from Unsplash

Having a lot of exercise options confuses the mind to go over the choices and its benefits without taking an action.

Having a lot of career options leaves a person unhappy in the current job thinking that the other one might be good.

Having a lot of clothing options leaves a person unfulfilled with whatever they wear.

We are often clouded by our thoughts. Most of the time, our intention at the start is completely different from what we end up with. Is it the plenty of options which is the problem now?

If we dig deeper, it’s not the choices but the lack of clarity in what we want is the root cause. When we are clear in what we want, we won't get distracted when the options are thrown. The devil is in the details.

  1. Ask as many questions as possible

For example, if your goal is to get fit. I would say this is a vague goal. Let’s try to get more in detail

What does being fit mean to you?

What do you have to do to stay fit?

How many minutes do you want to allocate for this activity?

When do you want to get this done in your day?

At What time?

Which clothing do you wanna wear?

What time do I have to wake up to achieve this? 6.30 am

The clarity for a basic activity requires close to 7 questions. The more detailed way you think through it, the more clarity you will get and the more possibility to stick with the goal.

Clarity can be achieved by asking more questions. Any task given to you, know the most about it. Keep asking questions to get more insight on it. The more clear you are, the more effective your actions are going to be.

2. Write down your thoughts

Decluttering our minds is going to be one of the greatest gifts which we can give ourselves. Often what we think a lot, might be just a couple of lines when we write down. It might be the same point we might be spiraling around. Writing down your thoughts might give room for new thoughts.

It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal — Steve Maraboli

