Unlearn your past to learn new things

2 min readSep 14, 2021

As we age, we accumulate beliefs, ideas, and philosophies that define who we are. Most of the time, our beliefs help us to take few important decisions. Sometimes, we do get stuck in our minds. We get stuck with the identity of our own beliefs. Beliefs are not formed intentionally. We accumulate beliefs through various ways our environment, parents, friends, neighbors, good experiences, bitter experiences, everything play a role to some extent. We form belief without being aware of it.

Image: Unsplash

Let’s split the beliefs into two. One which serves us and the other which gives us suffocation. The ones which serve us are positive beliefs that define our core values. We also acquire some of the negative identities/ beliefs about ourselves which don’t serve us anymore. Some of these identities are formed without our knowledge. Identities which affect negatively are contagious.

Having an identity of a procrastinator won’t help us to become a proactive person

Having an identity of non-active person won’t take us to become fit

Having an identity of a lavish person won’t take us to become thrifty.

Once we realize, something is not helping us, we should be in a position to challenge it. This is exactly where we get stuck.

One of the most common mistakes is, repeating the same actions and expecting different outcomes.

If we are looking for changing our outcomes, don’t we need to check the system/belief which is giving this result?

“Intelligence is what we learn. Wisdom is what we unlearn.”― J.R. Rim

Image: Unsplash

Awareness is the base of all. The most important part is identifying the exact belief which gives us issues. The more we spend time with ourselves, the more we get to know. Some good words for you :)

  1. Don’t burden yourselves with mistakes of your past or some past bad experiences.
  2. Permit yourself to move on.
  3. Don’t try to tell everyone that you are a different person. Just take action, they will get it.

Be free. Focus on getting better every day in every little way possible.

